Monday, January 24, 2011

Dreaming of a Warmer Place.

It's been freezing in the northeast these last few days. Well it is winter so it is the norm for us. But it's been really cold.

This is usually the time of year when I start thinking of warm weather destinations, and I've been looking over vacation photos and dreaming.

Dreaming of the beach which is where I'd rather be at this very moment.

Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and the sand in between my toes.

Going for long walks along the shore and enjoying the smell of the salt air and the warm ocean breezes.

Watching the locals going about their daily routines.

And taking photographs that will be enjoyed for many years to come while I dream.

Dream about the next time I will escape this frigid deep freeze of winter. Ok, snap out of it. I've got to get to my easel and start on new paintings. There's plenty do this week here in the studio. I'm thankful that the sun shines bright through the large windows while I work.