We have had some really amazing clouds this summer. As someone who's been watching the skies for inspiration lately, I've noticed the cloud formations seem different this summer. They seem bigger and fluffier. I've taken lots of photos as reference for new paintings. Stormy Sky is 30x36 acrylic on a textured canvas. I painted this a couple of years ago and can't seem to part with it. It hangs in our living room and I find it very soothing to look at.
I'll be away for the next week and am not sure how much chance I'll get at blogging. We'll be enjoying some time at a cottage on the beach. I'll be catching up on some reading and just enjoying the sun and the sound of the waves lapping up on the shore. I'm going to re read one of my favorite books. Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I received a copy of this book from my best friend for my 19th birthday. Thanks Margie!! I still have the same copy and have read it many, many times since. The setting of the book is a brief vacation by the sea. "As the sea tosses up its gifts-shells rare and perfect-so the mind, left to its ponderings, brings up its own treasures of the deep. And the shells become symbols here for the aspects of life she is contemplating". A wonderful read about self discovery and I highly reccomend it.
I'll be refreshed and raring to go when I get back. I'll be posting new items in my Etsy shop and will also give details about the giveaway that I've mentioned before. You'll have a chance to win one of 3 original paintings so stay tuned for that. Enjoy what's left of the summer. Have you had a chance to get away and enjoy some R&R???