Do you watch this show?
Seinfeld is one of my faves and watching it still makes me laugh. It's become part of our daily lives here and we can recite the lines to more than a few episodes. Of course we had to drive to the upper west side to see
Tom's Restaurant. We even had lunch there. I ordered what George always ordered. Tuna on toast, coleslaw and a cup of coffee. I bet the waitress gets that all the time!


Mad Men is used here in a window display. I'm taking the next couple of days as "vacation" to watch all of
season 1 and
season 2. Then I'll be all caught up for
season 3.
30 Rock has been nominated for 22 Emmy's. I was sort of expecting to see
Kenneth running around while we were on the tour. Yes, I know sometimes I'm living in a TV fantasy land!

We didn't get to pass bye any of
Carrie's haunts from
Sex and the City, but we did stay in
the Plaza, in a room similar to the suite
Carrie and
Mr.Big stayed in. You can see some gorgeous photos of them