It's been crazy busy here lately. Not just with this insane ice storm the north east received, but with the usual hectic pace of year's end. We were lucky and never lost power. The rest of my family and a few friends didn't fare so well. In fact my parent's home is still without power and they had some major damage to home and car from falling tree limbs covered in ice. Everyone was safe and sound though and that's what counts.
There's been much going on in the studio also. Behind the scenes stuff, already planning for next year. Thank you to all that have purchased my art this past year. Thank you to the galleries that include me in their family of artists. Thank you to my publishers, my FB friends and fans, and Twitter followers. Thank you to all that have let me know that my art has inspired them in some way, and has brought them good feelings. For all of you I'm grateful.
Not sure if I'll get another post up before 2014. I'm thinking I might just take a bit of me time and be totally self indulgent and do nothing for a couple of days.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays.
All the best for the New Year.
Peace on Earth.