Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! I actually got everything done on my list of things to do and even got to sneak in a couple of extras, so it was a good and productive weekend all around. And here we are, another Monday. Do you love Mondays like I do??? I think Mondays are the perfect day. Every Monday is like a new beginning. The start of a whole new week. Think of the possibilities!! On Monday mornings I usually sit down with my second coffee and calendar and have a production meeting with myself. I look at my week ahead and plan all that has to be done. Paintings that I'm working on or planning to start, meetings with galleries or artist friends, trips to the post office, Purchasing new supplies, deliveries that have to be made etc. etc. etc. I'm a big list maker. I find lists really help me to stay focused and organized so I keep lots of them. Here's whats on my list for today...
-finish up the last 6 small paintings in a series of "birds on Wires" that I've been working on.
-start planning a series of 36x36 urban landscapes.
-design a new postcard (business card) with new images.
-write a few emails.
-go to post office to mail off "giveaway" parcel and a few letters.
-list more new items in my
What are you up to on this marvelous Monday????