Purple seems to be everywhere this fall from clothing to furniture to home decor accessories. Pantone has even chosen a shade of purple (Blue Iris, Pantone 18-3943) as the color of the year for 2008. They tell us "Combining the stable and calming aspects of blue with the mystical and spiritual aspects of purple, Blue Iris satisfies the need for reassurance in a complex world, while adding a hint of mystery and excitement." Purple is the color of royalty and it's associated with nobility and spirituality. Purple is derived from the mixing of a strong warm and a strong cool color so that it has both warm and cool properties. It can also spark creativity. Purple rules!!
I dropped in to VAO this afternoon. They are having their open house and reception to introduce everyone to their new location here in downtown Toronto. VAO is a goldmine of information and help for visual artists in Ontario. I've been suggesting to my artist friends (you know who you are!!) to join. I'm glad I did. Thanks Kim, Avril, and Mitchell. It was great speaking with you all and I'm looking forward to new seminars and perhaps a meeting of the online group. Check out Avril's blog and etsy shop. She's an awsome designer and created the some of the coolest items. I especially love these!!!