Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Artists Toronto

This past Saturday I received wonderful news. I had passed the jurying and was now part of Artists Toronto. This is a great website that I just happened to surf into one day, and as I looked all through the site I knew I had to be included. It is a directory of artists in Toronto and it connects the artists with art purchasers, corporate art buyers, interior designers and art lovers. "Winter Dusk" is one of the four images on the Artists Toronto site. I painted this from a photograph taken from a balcony seven stories up, in Montreal.

This has been a busy week so far. I'm several paintings into my new series of urban landscapes. These paintings are much larger than the minis I've posted here in the past. I work on a number of paintings at once, so at any given time I might have five or so paintings in different stages spread out throughout my studio space. This can get crazy at times especially when our two cats decide it's time to play.

I'll post the first in the series here shortly.