The Inner Works round robin altered book collaboration that I was involved with is now complete. It was about a year ago when we began and I was excited and a little nervous to be working with such talented mixed media artists. My book returned to me thick and full with my theme beautifully interpreted by Supria, Veronica, Jill, Roxanne and Seth. I'll be posting these pages here as well as on the Inner Works blog in the coming weeks, but today I thought I'd share my pages in my book.
I chose one of my favorite books of all time, Gifts from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. As my copy is very special to me, and I thought too small and fragile to survive all the travel and artistic ware and tear, I chose an old, large cook book to alter for the project. Step by Step Sushi fit perfectly with my "Gifts from the Sea" theme. This was my first ever altered book and collaboration of any kind and it was a wonderful learning experience. I know now that if I'm involved in something like this again, I would ask that each artist sign their pages, or include a section for signing as Seth did here.
As we started the project by altering the cover and the first few pages in our own books, I felt like such a novice. It was all so different from the fine art that I'm used to doing. I never finished theinside back cover and honestly can't remember why not. It now sits on a safe shelf waiting to be finished, as there's so much on my plate these days that I haven't gotten to it yet.
I am a water person (my sign is cancer, so I'm a crab) and I put all my love for the ocean in these pages. The cool colors of the water and the warm shades of sand and all the gifts from the sea.
A special thank you to Supria for having the inspiration and vision to get such a collaboration off the ground and for keeping us in synch throughout the process. What initially was to be about a six to eight month project, turned out to take just over a year to complete. An enjoyable and memorable journey for sure.