Monday, December 5, 2011

My Mystery Vintage Find-Do You Know What This Is?

Last week I spent a day 'thrifting' and 'antiquing' with fellow artist and good friend  Karen. While strolling the aisles of her local VV Boutique (Value Village) Karen's keen artistic eye spotted this quirky little objet d'art.

We gazed at it in amazement and giggled like school girls as we debated what it was. 6o's inspired? Yes we thought. Weird, quirky? For sure. Something that belongs on the set of Mad Men on the bar in Don Draper's office? Perhaps

Karen passed on it as it wouldn't fit with her home decor style, but this weird little thing cast a spell on me and I couldn't part with it. Have you ever seen anything like this? I'm pretty sure it's a one off because there is no stamp on the bottom but a signature instead. I'd love to get your comments if you know what it might be or if it's from a specific time or style. I've searched the internet with no results. For now, my vintage find sits on a side table just waiting for someone to ask 'what's this??' A perfect little conversation starter.