Here are some shots of what I've been painting lately. Small paintings that are to be included in the Festival of Smalls at Art Interiors. The top photo shows the very beginnings. Canvases that I've textured with acrylic modeling paste. When dry, I've sketched my idea with a watercolor pencil. The middle photograph is the first under painting. The bottom photo is a few finished paintings on my Ikea bistro table. Yes, that's snow in the paintings and I'm looking forward to the first snowfall of the season!!!
I'll be away from the blog for a few days. We are having our Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend and there is a lot of family stuff to take care of. Don't forget about my October giveaway. All you have to do to win is leave a comment on any post here up until October 21st. Leave as many comments as you like. I'll post a photo of the winning artwork next week.
So to my Canadian friends have a happy Thanksgiving weekend. What will you be doing this weekend???