Monday, September 1, 2014

Toronto is High Energy at TIFF Time.

In just a few days Tiff 2014 will be in full swing. Toronto is always high energy but it seems to go absolutely crazy once the Toronto International Film Festival gets underway. I'm not one to stand in lines for hours so I don't 'do' Tiff and I don't hang out at the various hotels or red carpet events to catch a fleeting glimpse of the attending celebrities. I do however like to people watch. I could sit for hours with a coffee watching the crowds and soaking it all in. The movie goers, and the media are as interesting as the stars (at least I think so).

Watching the many events and after parties from our balcony is fun too. The after parties were a nightly event at Brant House last year so it will be interesting to see if the Citizen will continue the tradition. Of course the parking in front of Jacobs will be like a showroom for Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Porsches. 

I'll be spending much of the time that Tiff is in TO busy in my studio but you can be sure when it's time for a break I'll be at the local coffee joint people watching.